A photo diary x Liz Una Kim

Sumbody x Falcons

Films I Can't Wait to Catch

Los Angeles, CA. 2009. Canon XSi.

Clearly into the drama.

All We Do x Kaytranada x JMSN

If I Were More Responsible and Looked Like Hollywood in Black & White, I Would Be My Litte Sister

La Jolla, CA. 2011. Disposable.

Nothing compares to having a sister, it's the best worst thing. My sister, Ujin, on the shores. She gives terrible advice but used to wire me money whenever my cards got cut off throughout college, so we're even. 

Diva; My Full-Time Job

La Jolla, CA. 2009. Disposable.

It's Not My Fault I'm Poor, It's My Parents'

La Jolla, CA. 2009. Disposable.
'gh3tto f4b'